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The control system represents the administrative web interface access to which you get right after store registration in our system. The administrative interface offers various tools for organization of the modern and flexible processing of payments in the Internet. This manual will allow you to learn how to work with the administrative interface, to execute all necessary operations on transaction management, to create black lists for protection against fraud and to view reports on operations.


Some features described in this manual may not be available as we continuously improve our products & services. Consider that set of available functions & individual user experience may depend on particular access level settings, integration characteristics & terms of the contract.

General view

The administrative interface consists of three areas: the left panel (1), the right panel – view panel (2) and the lower panel – additional view pane (3). On the left panel sections administrative operations are displayed. On the right panel the main information for operation is displayed. In the lower panel information on the selected point from view panel is duplicated. In the lower part of view panel indicator of number of records and navigation line are displayed.

On the top customizable Time zone and Logout option are displayed.

Types of transactions and Blacklist

Left view panel (1)

In the left view panel there are Types of transactions and Blacklist. It is possible to display All Transactions, Payments, Authorized transactions, Refunds, Payouts and Blacklist by choosing the needed section. For the convenience of view there is an option to hide titles and leave only logos (button with sign <<). Besides, you can redirect to Dashboard via corresponding control in the left view panel.

The section All transactions allows you to view all transactions made in your store and provides convenient tools to search and sort records of operations and also gives the opportunity to make different actions over transactions. 

In the All Transactions section, operations are updated every 5 minutes. Last time update is displayed at the top of the page.

You can filter and find any of your transactions for any desired period. Also in the All Transactions section you can do any of the operations available to you (payout, refund etc.).

Payments – transactions, when money sent by Cardholder to a Merchant.

Refunds – all transactions on which return of goods made.

Payouts* – transactions, when money was sent by Merchant to Cardholder.

Crypto-currency* – transactions involved crypto-currency.

*This option is available for those users who have corresponding permissions.

But if you want to see the results of your last payment, refund or other operations in real time, go to the Online Transactions section. This section does not provide any actions; you can only track transactions for the last 24 hours.

The section Blacklist displays all blocked members with information about them. The administrative interface provides the flexible tool of creation of a black list that allows to safe you against suspicious customers. 

When you select section Black list on the left panel (1) in view panel all elements from the black list. The columns with information about items include:

  • Start – date of adding to element to the list using user’s locale format
  • Type – card number, IP address of customer, customer phone number and E-mail, billing or delivery Address
  • Value – element which will be checked by search of fraudulent transaction
  • Rating – risk level. In case of transaction data fit with an element of a black list, the value from this field is added to the overall level of risk. Value equal to 100 is fraudulent transaction.
  • Transaction ID – in case of adding whole transaction to the blacklist
  • Client Name – store name
  • Reason – user’s message about reason for adding element to blacklist (usually “User decision”)
  • Author – user who added value to the blacklist

You can add elements in your black list, restricting access to purchases according to card number, the IP address of the computer from which purchase is made, on phone number and an email address. Use +Create button at the top of the black list rules, fill in the from and press Create to add a new element.

Near each value there is an option to delete unit from the Blacklist. In the appeared window deletion can be confirmed by pressing the Delete button.

Main view panel

Right view panel (2)

On this panel the list of transactions is displayed according to chosen filters. Additional columns can be displayed by moving horizontal slider in the lower part of panel . Data are printed by 30-35 records for time, for viewing of the next transactions you need just put scroll down and operations will appear in few seconds.

Information in view panel can be sorted by columns. For this purpose it is necessary to click column heading on which sorting is made. By default information is sorted by Date.

Field nameDescription
IDThe transaction number in Unlimint
Date Transaction date in DD-MM-YY HH:MM:SS format
Status Transaction status
TypeTransaction type
AmountTransaction amount
Refund Refunded amount
CURTransaction currency
IP CountryIP Country of client
Card Country Country-issuer of the card
Card NumberMasked Card number
Customer nameCustomer name
Card IssuerBank-issuer of the card
Customer IDCustomer ID in merchant system
Decline reason Indicated when declines
WebsiteMerchant website
Website ID Website ID
3DS3D Security - Electronic Commerce Indicator: None, -. A, Y, N
DescriptionComments made by Merchant for a Customer
Card TypeCard type (Mastercard, Visa etc.)
E-MailCustomer Email
Auth Code Authorization number assigned by bank issuer
Order #Transaction number on merchant side
IP IP address of customer
Origin OrderNumber of original Transaction (for Refunds or Payouts)
Note Note made by Merchant for its own needs. Customer doesn’t see it
Payment methodPayment method

On the Top of the main view panel buttons with Statuses are shown: All, Captured, Declined, Authorized, Chargeback, Refunded and Blacklist. By pushing on them only transactions with selected statuses will be displayed.

Captured – successful transactions. Payment made, money charged off from account of the customer in the bank issuer.

Declined  cancelled transactions.

Authorized – the amount held in issuer bank, but final write-off has not happened yet. These transactions have status Pending.

Refunded – the return of funds to a consumer initiated by the merchant (full or partial).

Chargeback  the return of funds to a consumer initiated by the issuing bank or processor.

Black List – transactions moved to the blacklist.

Batch refunding can be made via Batch Upload control. There is example of batch-file in uploading interface.

Transaction Details

Low view panel (3)

To view information about each transaction in a low window it is necessary to click on the selected transaction. To close low panel you need to click on the transaction once again. There are buttons <Prev and Next> for switching to the previous or next transactions.

The panel includes 3 tabs: Payment Details, Status History and Similar Orders. If the transaction is linked to original Payment, there is a 4th additional tab “Parent Order”.

PAYMENT DETAILS – the tab displays the main information about the order, it repeats details from the view panel. It consists of 3 parts: Order Info (order description), Card Info (details about Customer) and Transaction info (operation details).

This tab also includes Actions over transactions. These actions appear, when payment is Captured.

Refund  procedure of the partial or full return of money to the customer on earlier purchase in the online store;

Payout* – procedure of sending money to the customer;

*This option is available for those who have rights to make payouts.

Add to black list  adding a transaction to the black list. In future this transaction will be used for detection of fraudulent transactions.

Void* - procedure of cancel postponed refund or payout if status is “Authorized”.

*This option is available for those who have enabled function "Postponed refunds" or "Postponed payouts" for wallet.

STATUS HISTORY – this tab allows viewing transaction statuses changes over time. By means of it is possible to understand, for example, why the issuer bank did not authorize transaction or why this or that transaction was marked as fraudulent.

# - serial number of changes in descending order (the last number is the oldest status).

Date  date of status change.

Status  transaction status.

Amount – transaction amount.

SIMILAR ORDERS – the option to find operations related to the selected transactions by special parameters. You can choose time period and characteristic by which there must be a link:

PARENT ORDER – this tab appears only for refunds or payouts and shows transaction details of the original payment. This panel looks almost the same as Payments Details except row Amount: in this field there are 2 amounts – sum of original payment with green (+) sign and sum of refund with red () sign.


There are two main filter panels: Time filter and Parameters filter.

Time — period of time for transactions displayed in the main view panel . There are fixed options to choose (Last 24 hours, Today (operations since midnight), Yesterday etc.) and Custom Range. Using this option you can choose exact time period up to minutes. The Date and time can be written in the Date field or chosen in calendar and near clocks sign. After setting time period the button Apply should be pushed.

Filter panel helps to indicate parameters for search. You can choose or fill any number of filter in 4 tabs. When the filter is chosen the option to reset Filter appears.

Customer info contains E-Mail and IP of the customer.

Card info includes filters on Card details.

For search by Card Number you can enter first 6 digits or last 4 digits or full number in the format XXXXXX…XXXX.

Note that Field Card Type accepts only digits and maximum 6 characters, Card Country and Card Issuer accept maximum 3 characters.

Reset Filter button will clear all the set filters.

Transaction info - this set of filters includes search by transaction characteristics. Field Order ID can include several values separated with a comma. The rest fields in this tab accepts only one value. Note that filter Decline reason and Description also understand one word.

Antifraud info includes filters on risk and decline details.

Crypto info includes filters on transactions related to crypto-currency.

Batch allows to find transactions included in certain batch refunding ID.

Download -  this options allows to download in Excel format the displayed transactions (with current filters). By pushing this button the download will promptly begin.

Refresh - the sign of Refreshing is located near Filters and Download. This option refresh data on the main view panel.

Payment Fields 

Order ID - the transaction number in Unlimint

Order # - merchant's order number

Payment method - the list of available cryptocurrencies

Order type - operation type (Payments, Payouts)

Status - transaction status in Unlimint system. Available statuses for crypto-transactions:

  • Authorized – transaction authorized, the specific amount was sent from the address of payer to the address of the recipient and now transaction waiting for confirmation in the blockchain.
  • Declined – canceled transactions.
  • Captured – transaction has been made successfully, the transaction was confirmed in the blockchain. 

Website - merchant website

Statement ID - the number of the particular statement transaction was included

Decline reason - the reason for the declined status. 

Description - the description of the order, may contain specific information about merchant's goods or services

Customer Data

E-mail - customer's Email

IP IP address of the customer

Customer ID - customer ID in merchant system

Card Fields

Card Type - Card type (Mastercard, Visa etc.)

Card Number - Masked Card number (BIN, Last4 or BIN...Last4)

Card Holder - customer's Name

Card Country - Country-issuer of the card

Card Issuer - Bank-issuer of the card

Payment Amount

Currency code - the international currency code, consist of 3 letters

Amount >= - set an amount in order currency that more or equal to a particular sum

Amount <= set an amount in order currency that less or equal to a particular sum

Amount - set an exact amount 

Crypto info

Order currency - the currency that was used in the order.

Transaction number - txid of the incoming (for payments)/outgoing (for payouts) transaction in the blockchain

Rollback transaction number - txid of the refunded to customer transaction in the blockchain

Order address - the cryptocurrency address of the particular order. Incoming address for payments and customer's address for payouts.

Order Amount >= set an amount in order currency that more or equal to a particular sum

Order Amount <= set an amount in order currency that less or equal to a particular sum

Order Amount set an exact amount

Rollback (crypto-currencies only)

Cases when rollbacks are needed:

Decline Reason – Insufficient amount, Create payment timeout.

Normally money should be reverted back to customers automatically, as both cases are processes by the system. However there might be cases required to perform a rollback manually.

Main rules of crypto-operations rollbacks:

  • If a customer explicitly sets rollback-address, then, rollback should be done to this address (shown with a star in drop-down list of rollback-addresses)
  • If a customer do not set rollback-address, then, rollback is done to original transaction address.
  • If a transaction done from several addresses, then, rollback-address should be either agreed with customer or the first address from drop-down list of rollback-addresses can be selected.



Rollback must not be performed if:

  • There is a value in Rollback Transaction Number in Payment Details of transaction
  • There is respective rollback operation in Exchange

This means that the system successfully performed rollback automatically.

Follow the below steps to perform rollback manually:

  • Select Crypto-currency section left panel of https://cardpay.com/ma/#/transactions
  • Select All transactions under Crypto-currency
  • Click Filter button over a grid with transactions.
  • Fulfill Order ID in Customer Info tab and click Apply button.


  • In the bottom section of a page with transaction details click Rollback tab in transaction details


  • Click Bitcoin network button (this might take some time to retrieve the details)
  • Click button from appeared details 
  • Pop-up window should appear. Choose bitcoin-address according to Main rules of crypto-operations rollbacks described above and specify a comment if necessary.
  • Click Send button of pup-up window.

If rollback completed successfully, Rollback Transaction Number should appear in Payment details tab in the bottom section of transaction details


 Important side-note: successful Rollback operation cannot be undone

Unlimint administrative interface manual

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