API errors

API errors






Request expired / ['request.time'] must be current UTC time 

+/- 3 hour in UTC is acceptable

Refund status can not be altered

Only captured payment can be refunded. The payment is in Authorized status, need to wait for the final Captured status

Invalid refund request

Check if payment was fully refunded. We suggest making operations that not less than 1 EUR cent. 

Errors: fields ['card_account.card'] may not be empty

Needs to send security_code = cvv, for example: ("card_account": {"token":"...", "card":{ "security_code": "..." }},)

Can't check card token

The non-existent token was sent

Invalid terminal credentials

Bad request. Item not found in the database

Delete "sandbox" in all the links, where this parameter was specified

The production environment is being specified instead of Sandbox one

Errors: [fields ['payment_data'] are incorrect: amount not valid for provided currency

No decimal values are available for the specified currency.

Concerning other currencies - you should send them in ISO format, with needed decimals. The currency according to international standards has no decimals. We don't recommend to use such amounts because most probably they will not be processed by the bank.

Errors: [fields ['payment_data'] may not be empty]

Bad request. Invalid request body

Please check API URL

Terminal with ID = … for currency EUR not found

The Terminal with the currency specified isn't active

Errors: fields ['card_account.card'] not expected in Payment Page mode

No need to send the card number in the request, it should be entered on payment page by cardholder.

Method not supported

The wrong method is used POST instead of PATCH

Internal server error

Check request structure (including return_urls, amount, card number), avoid null values

Client Error: Forbidden for url

Bearer-only appilcations are not allowed to initiate browser login

Сheck Authorization has Bearer access_token

Errors: fields ['customer.ip'] size must be between 1 and 15

Please don't use IP v6

Errors: [fields ['card_account.billing_address'] not expected in Payment Page mode

Billing address can be ommited. In Payment Page mode cardholer fills it

Errors: [Recurring operations not supported]

Need to enable recurring

Can't create a payout. Card token is invalid: Card is not found

Cardtokens are avaliable for one year, need to receive new cardtoken

Method Not Allowed / Operation is not allowed

Please check you have permissions for payouts.

Payouts are allowed without previous deposit for your MCC

Error Terminal Not Found

Only refunds can be allowed for deactivated Terminals

401 Unauthorized / Could not logon

Please check credentials

This field is incorrect: filing.id / recurring_id

Recurring ID is received for another currency

Requested card token is not available / Card token is not valid 

Card Token cannot be used 1 year after token was generated

Credit Card or Account or Card Token information is missing

Check card token is indicated with other parametres in the main body

…/recurring_plans?null Invalid request

Interval on production can not be in minutes

JSON parse error: are invalid

Incorrect subscription_start: The date format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z') is exclusively used for testing purpose on sandbox and test environment


Please check:

  1. correct termianl id in autorization is used

  2. sending obligatory end_time, start_time if request after 24 hours of transaction creation (by default - last 24 hours https://integration.unlimint.com/#getRecurrings)

  3. for recurring: use GET request by recurring_id, received in callback, correct url: /api/recurrings






Invalid terminal credentials

The Terminal is inactive 

Invalid user credentials

Non-existent Terminal or an incorrect password is being used

Invalid refresh token

Refresh token was invalid. Reauth is required.






Invalid access token

Malformed access token.

Expired access token

Access token expired and should be refreshed. Please check https://oauth.net/2/

Revoked access token

Corresponding token pair was revoked by Unlimint (revocation could be initiated when possible token leak has been suspected). Reauth is required.


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